Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ty Stories

So...Ty is the laughter of our house. He fuels us up on joy when our energy is running low. He revs us up with giggles when we have hit bottom with our patience, and he brings light into every place that has grown dark through a hard day at work in what can be a pretty ugly world. All in all he is truly a gift from God. We constantly sit and giggle about his comments and actions. And yes, I am one of "those" moms who talks constantly of the Ty funnies that happen daily.

I take pause, to apologize to those made to sit through the torturous stories when you had plenty of other things to do.

Funny #1
Well Ty has found a passion for NUTS. Yep, I said NUTS, cashews, peanuts, almonds. Brazilian, pistachio, pretty much anything in the nut family seasoned with a little salt. It all started in the grocery store. I was looking for some healthy snacks and wondered...hmmm...I wonder if Ty will eat nuts? I picked up a small canister of mixed nuts and place it in the buggy. Ty said, "That?". I replied, "Nuts". He responded, "Ty hunnry, nuts peese." I know, I know, I hear the ahhhs happening right now. So, of course I opened the canister and allowed him to fish a few nuts out to munch on. WOW...he loved them. I got my shopping done (not paying too much attention to Ty because he was silent, except for a few mmmmm's). I looked down to realize he had eaten about a fourth of the canister, or more!

For the next 5 days Ty asked for NUTS morning, noon and night. The next time we were in the store I was walking down the "Nut Isle" and he starts yelling, yes yelling..."Mommy, NUTS, Ty NUTS...HUNNRY...NUTS Mommy." I know everyone was giggling around me. We discussed that we had nuts at home and didn't need anymore. For the rest of the trip he simple whimpered...Nuts Mommy, Nuts Mommy!

Everyday when I pick him up from the babysitter I bring him a little snack and when it isn't nuts he is very disappointed. Funny, Funny!

Funny #2

Ty has been learning how to help me set the table. He loves it and feels so helpful when he is finished that he BEAMS. The napkins, cups, and silverware are usually in very close proximity to where they need to be which of course, makes me proud as a Mom.

On Sunday I asked Ty if he wanted to help set the table and placed the dinnerware on the bench for him to reach. I went back into the kitchen to finish cooking and when I came out of the kitchen the table had been set with a little EXTRA. Ty had gone to the living room, found some coasters and given each of us a coaster for our cups...TOO CUTE.

Later, Jeff went into our pantry area, which is where we also keep Mocha, the resident dog's food. He said..."Babe, why does Mocha have a coaster next to her water bowl?" Yeah...there goes another ahhhhwwww! How cute is that. He gave everyone in the family a coaster. See what I mean...giggles.

Funny #3
Alter Ego

Ty has a little friend at the baby sitter's named, Blayne. Blayne and Ty are exactly a week apart in age, Ty being the younger of the two, but Blayne being the smaller of the two. Ty and Blayne have a "Love/Hate, Can't live with but Can't live without" kind of relationship. Ty is really quiet, laid back, not confrontational etc..(nothing like his mother)...and Blayne is the opposite. Even being the littlest of the five boys, Blayne is known as the "Bully". Some days Blayne is precious and he and Ty play all day long, other days "it's all BLAYNE'S FAULT".

Recently, Ty has started having a little alter ego. Mrs. Debbie told me that at her house no matter who hurts Ty's feelings or who does something wrong it is always BLAYNE'S FAULT. Hehehe! So, Ty has been doing some "no-no's" in our house. When I look at him and let him know it isn't acceptable he begins saying, "Bayne...no, no! Bayne...top it!" Sometimes even before his makes a bad choice he starts saying, "Baaaynnne, nooooooo!" and then he proceeds to make a wrong step. He looks at me befuddled when I get onto him, like..Mom it wasn't me, didn't you see Blayne do it?

My mom laughs because from a very early age I had an imaginary friend named Jessica. Jessica got me in all sorts of trouble, until my mom let me know that for everyone of Jessica's bad choices I was going to get a spanking for her, since my mom couldn't see her. Jessica moved away very quickly and a new more obedient friend moved into my imaginary realm. We'll see if Ty follows in those dramatic footsteps of his mother.

Hope you enjoyed the Giggles, and I will leave you with a picture as a cherry on top of the sundae of fun!

He LOVES pudding...even with NUTS!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Adams TRIO is now a QUATRO

Yes, It's True! We are EXPECTING! We are thrilled, ecsatic, nervous, unsure and scared all at the same time. It isn't to say that we didn't pray for this, and God so graciously granted us the desire of our heart, it is just...two kids...REALLY! Am I sure I can do this, and do it well? I just can't fathom. Things have gotten pretty routine with Ty, I might even say easy. We know his moods, his needs, his wants, and we can double team him when we need to. Now, the kids will be evening up the score. One to one! We will definitely be needing some good advice from all the multiple children mothers (and fathers) out there!

Here are a few pictures of Lil' Bit...just a peanut right now, but the heartbeat is strong, which is amazing at 9 weeks old. How can you argue there is no GOD? We are just asking for our family and this baby to be covered in prayer right now. We want a safe, heathly, happy baby to enter our family and we fully understand that God is the only one in control. We want this baby to feel the love of Christ before it even enters the big world.

I know it is small..but you get the idea! The peanut shape is ADAMS QUATRO!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Update Installment #3

Ty's 2nd Birthday (a few weeks later)

Okay...Okay...I know that I am a terrible blogger. I don't update enough! I hope that with the summer approaching quickly I will have time for the important things, like blogging! Hehehe! Well, here it is the big 2nd birthday. Let me tell you this was a blast. The first birthday was so nostalgic and kinda weepy for the fact that our baby had turned into a 1 year old. This year we just celebrated the day and the life that has become so amazingly happy since Ty has entered the picture.

His birthday was on a Friday and he woke up saying..."Ty, Pardy...Ty, Pardy". We of course chimed in and said , "Yes its all about you baby!" We then sang Happy Birthday to Ty and he promptly said, "Mommy,Daddy...TOP - IT" (code for Stop it). He then decided that the song was the best when he sang it to himself. To say the least Ty understood that the day was his for the taking.

We had a Tupperware full of cookies to take to Mrs. Debbie's and his friends at the babysitter. He knew they were something special and demanded that they make the road trip to Debbie's on his lap. He also demanded that he carry them to the front door, carefully of course, as he sloshed them from side to side and flip flopped them upside down. They still tasted good, so I am told. He had a great day, especially because I sent candles for him to blow out on top of his cookie.

To top candles and cookies off...Granna and G picked him up from Mrs. Debbie's and brought him home to a wonderful Water and Sand Play table. Ty...of course demanded that he help them put it together immediately. They played and played (and we are still sweeping up sandy footprints....can I hear and amen from the other mom's. Ummm..gotta love it). We played for the rest of the night and headed out to a Mom and Pop shop for some yummy Pizza!

Saturday was the BIG DAY! Ty was having an Artist Party. He has found a passion for all things artistic...or should I just say MESSY. Which I love! So we decided to have an artist party. Can you believe my mom is crazy enough to invite Ty and 10 of his toddler friends to come to her house for an Artist party...yeah with PAINT and stuff. She must be a grandmother...only grandmothers are crazy in the head FABULOUS like that. So...I will let the pictures explain the rest.

I just praise God that my little angle...errrr....two year old son is healthy, happy, and a God Given Blessing. We pray over him constantly and see daily God answering our prayers and delivering only blessings that could come from above.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Click on the Pictures for Information about what is going on! It is our first attempt at Slideshows from Flickr...Please let us know if there is a better/easier way. I almost pulled my hair out and Jeff's too trying to get this slideshow on the blog. I know...what a rookie!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Update Overload...Installment #2

The Firehouse Visit

Our next big excursion of the Spring Break vacation was to go and visit Jarrett, Jeff's cousin at the Flower Mound Fire Station. He is a firefighter and was wonderful and brave enough to invite us for a little look-see at the trucks and the station.

On the scale of things Ty loves first comes Tractors & Trains....second comes Animals....and third comes Firetrucks. We thought that we were being amazing parental units if we covered at least two of his three favorite things. Plus, lets be honest we live in DFW..we see tractors driving down the road everyday with the amount of construction happening up here, and we have a train about, oh, 5 blocks from our house! Maybe we will make a field trip to the number one favorite thing a little later (if it is still his favorite).

Well, we followed the same process as the zoo. You know, talk about the firestation, play with firetrucks, read firetruck books, so on and so on. He of course was extremely excited. Yes, he really was...no joking!

In the car he kept saying...Firrra...Tucks! Whoooooooooo! Firra...Tucks! Whoooooo! He definitely knew where he was going. Like I said, he was excited. Believe me know? Anyway, we get to the station and Jarrett meets us out front. Ty is excited to see Jarrett and then his big, round, blue peepers lay eyes on the Firra Tucks! He is amazed and terrified at the same time.

I guess he didn't understand that firetrucks weren't like the small, rideable firetruck he was given on his first birthday from Jarrett, which sings in a very frightening breathy female voice..."I see a Fire truck, A great big shiny Firetruck, Coming down the Lane.....the song continues but I won't put you through the torture that we have had to endure for more than a year now. Thanks, Jarrett. Its a keeper!

He loved the truck as long as we didn't get to close, or leave him unattended. He didn't want to touch it, get in the truck, drive the truck or anything else. He just wanted to look...from a distance. But...he warmed up! Enjoy the pictures!

Okay...I'll get a little closer as long as someone is holding me.

He would walk around, but this was as close as he got!

His FIRST touch on the Firetruck!

Not even the firefighter could get me to stand alone on the truck.


Oh...Okay...I'll get in as long as Dad is with me, and by the way...Shut the door!

I'm warmed up...I think I can drive by myself now. Trust me?

All Smiles!

I didn't touch anything! What are you talking about?

This is super cool!

Testing out the Ambulance now...still..bossing us to, "Shut the Door". He wanted the full experience!

Tuck, Tuck, Tuck was what he was yelling! I guess he figured out all of this was pretty darn cool!

Look at those HANDSOME boys! Another favorite of Mom's!

Update Overload...Installment #1

Yeah, Yeah...I know...I haven't been updating the blog. I haven't found many moments on the couch in the last month. It has been crazy with Spring Break, Easter, and Ty's Second Birthday...Yes...a Second birthday, let's all pause for a memorial moment of the calm little boy that we used to have. His business factor has differently increased, ten fold!, but he is still amazingly wonderful and the joy of our life. We have never giggled so much or smiled so widely.

So, onto update numero uno...The ZOO!

Jeff took off the entire week of Spring Break. It was wonderful. We haven't had a week together as a family since Ty was born two years ago. We planned nothing but family fun time and off course some serious nap-a-roonies! Our first large outing was the Ft. Worth Zoo. We are the terrible parents who haven't taken our child to the zoo and he is almost two. We just figured why endure the painful experience of a younger child who knows no animal sounds and could care less about seeing whatever creatures are rambling about behind a fence, when they would be perfectly happy taking a walk around the block seeing neighborhood dogs.

So, we waited until Ty hit that "Crazy About Animals Stage"..so crazy that he says animal sounds in his sleep. Ty had gotten to the point that he could read our minds. We would see a picture of a lion and he automatically would look at us...pause...and then roar. He knew if he didn't we would simply ask, "Ty, What does a Lion say?". He found animals in every book, poster, TV show etc. Hence...our amazing perception of...it is time to head out to the zoo.

We started talking about the zoo a few days before we went to build his anticipation, really? Can you build anticipation of a two year old? Well....we did! We were all super excited to go and preparations began.

We made it to the zoo with the other gazillion mothers, fathers, children, day cares, etc. who were relaxing on their spring break as well. We were a little cramped but we all loved the entire day. The weather was perfect and all things went, actually, better than planned.

Ty loved the TRAIN the most. Yes, not the animals, the TRAIN. We rode it a couple of times just to fulfill his train fix.

Enjoy the pictures!

Waiting in Line to Buy Tickets....He isn't sure about ALL the PEOPLE...or maybe just Mom already shoving the camera in his face.

Our first live animal spotting (other than a dog or cat) a Gorilla! Ty was fascinated as was Nonna!

Mom's favorite picture..he loves his Daddy!

Ha, Ha...Mom caught your "not ready for a picture" faces!

First train ride of the day. Ty..."Mom quit lovin' on me...don't you know I'm on a TRAIN!

Nonna took Ty on the Carousel...He was sooo excited. He rode around a couple of times smiling an waving and then decided he needed to figure out how the thing worked, so he focused turned to looking above and below and telling Nonna all about it.

The fabulous "Wave"!

He LOVED the alligator. We thought it wasn't real...but it was. We were told it is about 70 years old and 14 feet long. He was a little cold and wasn't in the mood to move, but Ty thought he could wait him out, but we headed over to the otters after about...30 seconds!

Watching the Otters! Nonna got her workout! We let her do the bending, looking, watching! HEHEHEHE.

Lovin' the freedom from the stroller!

He next favorite thing, after the train, the E-Phants!

Daddy caught the wild man who was enjoying his freedom a little too much, and was getting a little over excited from all the activities. It was a perfect place for about....2 minutes.

The best thing to play with at the zoo...dirt and rocks. Is he a boy or what?

We loved the Zoo and it wore us all out! We left with a t-shirt and stuffed giraffe, which has made its way into Ty's bed to be a snuggle buddy. He talked about the zoo for days. We will be going back in the very near future! Hope you enjoyed.