Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All Ty

Here are some videos to make you smile...our little boy doing what he does best...being TY! God is so good.

And Now some of our favorite pictures from the last couple of months! Glimpses of our Joy!

That's my boy...wash those sticks!

Hard at Work in his Jammies!

Too Cool!

Always in the kitchen with Mom...today was wash the dishes! A little too much soap

Mother's Day Picture

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother's Day

Being a Mom...WOW...how do you explain...I know, you say, what my mom always said, "Just wait until you have three children in five years and let me know how you feel," or "you will never understand until your a mom." Boy was she right. She was right from the moment I laid eyes on my amazing Ty Carter. My first thought was...what happen to his nose?

Preface Break:
I have something called a Bicornuate Uterus..I know TMI..but it is shaped like a heart! Yes, literally a heart. Well, Ty was trap in one of the heart's lobes at the top with his feet pointed toward the point of the heart at the bottom (BREACH). His sweet little face was mashed up against the lobe of the heart and it caused his nose to be smushed along with his ears and other things. To say the least...he came out looking like a little boxer who had gone a couple of tough rounds.

Flashback to Reflection:
Even with his smashed nose and crinkled ears I had the overwhelming sense to grab him and protect him from any and all that came around. Of course he was whisked off as I was put back together and left in a room all to myself to ponder the blessed gift that had just been given me. I giggled a little, I sighed a lot, I tried to wiggle my toes, and then I just wept. I wasn't sure what to feel. I realized the the Lord had just bestowed on me the ultimate gift of my life, another life to protect and guide. How was I so lucky...didn't God know that I was a total fowl up? Didn't he know that I made bad choices, and silly mistakes hourly? Didn't he know that some days I felt as if I couldn't be trusted?

He Knew all of it, but now I am realizing that he also knew: My heart would swell with pride at a simple giggle, my eyes would brim with tears over the word Ma-Ma, that I would fall more in love with my husband watching him try to swaddle a 7 pound baby close to his chest when he had way to much arm to get him close, that I would be able to teach my students to a deeper degree because I could look at them as some one's child and not just a student, and that I would yearn for a closer relationship with God to try and understand the sacrifice that he made for me. What an awe inspiring God, with whom I cannot thank enough for the gift of Motherhood.

Now the Mother's Day Bloopers!
#1 No...Mommy
So on Mother's Day, Ty totally got the idea that it was Mommy's day. He and Jeff got me breakfast on the bed (a little late for in...but who's counting we had church at 8 am), and Jeff kept reminding him that it was Mommy's day. So in the car on the way to church here is the script:
Ty: Cackers..Peese (what manners)
Dedra: Shuffle (getting cracker cup...to deflect a meltdown)... Jeff can you hand these to Ty.
Jeff: Here you go Ty
Ty: Noooooooo...Mommy
Jeff: Here you go Mommy
Dedra: Shuffle...Loosen Seatbelt...Turning...Here Ty.
Ty: Welcome
Ty: Juice...Peese
Dedra: Shuffle (getting juice cup..once again no meltdown needed)..Jeff can you hand these to Ty.
Jeff: Here Ty...
Ty: Noooooo...Mommy

Do you get the picture! Daddy did all wrong and Mommy had to do everything. At church Mommy had to draw, Mommy sing, Mommy hold, etc. etc. I think we will work on the correct picture of Mother's Day next year. Just kidding.

#2 Me, Me, Me
So, later on Mother's Day we were playing in the sun room. Ty was climbing on a little climber/slide that we have (which is now known as the Rooket Sip). Jeff and I were having a nice conversation when Ty stands at the top of his slide and yells...Mommy, Mommy! We both stop and look to make sure he is okay and he then continues..Mommy, Top It (stop it). I just look at Ty, and then using both pointer fingers he points to his chest and says "MEeeeeee". Oh yeah he's got Mother's Day down.